Open Call for Sustainability Art Projects
Open Call for Sustainability Art Projects aims to support local artists to realise their sustainability art ideas. Shortlisted artists will receive support including funding, use of indoor and outdoor working space and facilities for art-making, with a view to exhibiting/executing their projects at the Sustainability Art Exhibition scheduled to be held in autumn 2021.
Founded in 2016, Artists Co-op is a non-profit arts organisation dedicated to supporting artists in their creative endeavours. Artists Co-op also strives to encourage the creation and promotion of sustainability art. With the support from Home Affairs Bureau’s Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme (ACDFS) and the artist community, we have set up a Sustainability Art Hub at Sha Lek Corner for artists and the community to be engaged in the creation and development of sustainability art.
Programme Duration
June to August 2021 – Art-making and project preparation
September 2021 – Project set up or installation September to November 2021 – Sustainability Art Exhibition (mainly outdoor)
[Schedule and arrangement subject to the final decision of Artists Co-op]
Artists with keen interest in sustainability art are invited to participate. Candidates will be evaluated based on their artistic merits, potential ability to contribute to sustainability art, as well as the development of Sha Lek Corner and its community. Each artist may submit one proposal only. This Open Call accepts proposal from various medium including visual arts, dance, music, film, media art, literature, xiqu, multi-media art and drama.
Support for Artists
1. Partial or full funding support (subject to individual artist’s budget and funding availability)
2. Upcycled Workshop, indoor/outdoor working space, woodwork and ceramics tools and equipment, 3D scanner and printers, laser cutter, light and sound systems, etc.
3. General administrative support
Requirements of Participating Artist
Successful candidates are required to complete the proposed project by due time, together with a final report of at least 1800 words, 8 photos and a one-minute video. Each of them should conduct a public talk, and participate in the Sustainability Art Exhibition.
How to Apply
Applicants should submit the items below:
1. Artist’s CV (please include contact details)
2. A portfolio (up to 10 images, no larger than 10MB in total)
3. A project proposal of maximum three A4 pages long to explain your project with the following points included:
i. Title of the artwork
ii. Concept
iii. Brief description
iv. Production methods v. Materials
vi. Size
vii. Creation schedule
viii. Budget (including expenditure plan and amount of subsidy needed from the
ix. Drawing, photo of a model, or diagram explaining the project
x. How the opportunity will be rewarding to your creative practice.
Application Deadline
Please send the application package in digital format (English or Chinese are both accepted) to sustainabilityarthk@gmail.com by 31st May, 2021.
Handling of the Submitted Materials
Submitted materials will not be returned. Preservation or disposal of these materials is at the discretion of the organiser.
Briefing Session
Interested artists are welcome to join our briefing session to learn about the site for creation and exhibition, and details of the programme.
Date: 8/5 (Saturday)
Time: 11am – 1 pm
Venue: Sha Lek Corner, 38 Sha Tin Wai Road 38
Briefing session registration Link: https://forms.gle/AEjc3qhfEwadj84Z9
Open Call for Sustainability Art Projects is a part of Artists Co-op's SUSTAINABILITY ART HUB.
The SUSTAINABILITY ART HUB is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSARG).