A pioneer in community mural painting in Hong Kong, with a degree from California State University, and MA in Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Hong Kong. She has participated in various joint exhibitions and engaged in mural work in the United States and Hong Kong. There are also solo exhibitions held: "Objets d’amour" (2006), "Faces and Places" (2008), and "That Moment Now" (2009), etc. Celia was an artist-in-residence at Lingnan University and teaches art courses at various tertiary institutions in Hong Kong.

A Hong Kong-based German artist with rich experience in making art for urban space in the international field. Studied fine arts and architecture at the Bauhaus University, Weimar. Currently pursuing her PhD at the Academy of Visual Arts of HKBU. She held multiple solo exhibitions in various spaces, including “On Lightscapes Virtual Tour”(2021) and “Light. Reflections on Material, Surfaces and Space”(2019). She has also participated in numerous group exhibitions locally and internationally including “Greenspace 5457 at Round 72”(2007) and “Making Room For _” (2018) .

A multi-talented Hong Kong artist with exquisite sculpting and print-making skills. One of his public installations created with packages of expiring candles in Canada created a Guinness World Records. In parallel, he is an enthusiastic educator, and set up a website to provide printmaking education materials. As a pioneer in integrating art, animation, manga and media, he established DIO Channel and has served as the Producer since 2017. In 2018, in collaboration with Artists Co-op, he invented a pedal-driven paper pulp-making machine for developing zero-carbon paper art processes.

A Hong Kong-based American painter well acclaimed for his paintings that reflect his keen observation, insight, and sensitivity towards Hong Kong’s local culture. He graduated from Claremont Graduate University and University of Houston with BFA and MFA programmes. In addition to receiving reviews in numerous publications including Artforum magazine and The Los Angeles Times, The South China Morning Post and RTHK. He recently focused on gouache and computer-aided studies of photo-based and digital sources artwork creation.

A Hong Kong-based artist, art educator and community art facilitator, who has been feverishly pushing forward community art in Hong Kong for 40 years. Founder of “The Archive of Art in the Camps”, “ Art in Hospital” and “Art for All”. Recently, she is working on art therapy and gender issues. Evelyna has participated in several group exhibitions in Hong Kong and Asia. She won awards in Gwangju Biennale (2002), Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennale (2009), etc.

Born in Bangkok in 1976, Kata Sangkhae received a bachelor's degree in visual arts from the University of Bangkok of Art and received a master's degree in sculpture from the University of California, Los Angeles. He then received his Ph.D. from the Australian University of RMIT, and is currently teaching at the University of Bangkok. As a contemporary artist who has experienced life in various countries, his sensibilities are demonstrated in a variety of expressions, including not only visual but also music. Introducing Kata Sankei, which produces works on social political issues caused by changes in location and environment.

The Director of the “Hong Kong Modern Chinese Ink Painting Society” has practiced
modern Chinese ink painting since 1986. She graduated from CUHK and RMIT University with BA (Fine Arts), MFA (Fine Art), and DFA (Fine Art). Her artworks have been collected by various art museums, such as the Shandong Museum, Weifang Museum, Jiangsu Art Museum, and Xiangning Art Museum, etc. By means of integrating Chinese painting with technology, she has committed herself to explore the “hybridity” and “harmoniousness” between them. Over the last ten years, she has started using recycled materials to make landscape sculptures, reinterpreting the Chinese Landscape Aesthetics in a three-dimensional way.

A master in Contemporary Ink Painting, while pursuing a range of other media in parallel. He obtained an MA degree of Fine Arts in the RMIT University. He actively participated in public art programmes in Hong Kong. Ng has received numerous major art awards both locally and internationally. His work is collected by both the Hong Kong Museum of Art and private collectors. Ng also teaches at various art institutions in Hong Kong. He has participated in many overseas and local exhibitions, for instance the Hong Kong Contemporary Art Biennale (1983, 1989, 1992 & 1994) and the National Art Exhibition.

Hao Lap Yan Benjamin was born and based in Hong Kong. Hao gained his BFA (painting) from RMIT and Hong Kong Art school in 2011. He has also received his interdisciplinary art MFA in University of Hartford in 2018. His works and projects have been exhibited and taken place in Hong Kong, China, Macedonia, Iceland and USA.

成立於二零一八年,由藝術工作者及工人階級組成。成員在成團之前已致力發展本港偶劇在藝術上的提升,除了在劇場本身作實驗性演出之縱向發展,同時亦不斷向普羅大眾作偶戲示範及講解之橫向發展,令他們產生對偶劇的興趣。本團成員發展領域遊走於藝術和教育之間、幼兒親子和實驗劇場之間、面具形體和大小型戲偶之間。 本團取名於與工人息息相關的上海街,志在提升工藝與藝術之間的關係,善於以創新方向切入社會不同主題,成員更有山藝、歷奇、生態導賞等相關經驗,有豐富帶領技巧,近來成員已完成多個以減廢原則之前題下,製作木偶的工作坊。
Michael Wong黃定邦是香港首位入選塞爾維亞獨腳戲及默劇節,並奪得該節四十二屆最佳默劇金獎的默劇藝人。2006年加入香港最早的默劇藝團 - 藝穗默劇實驗室,曾隨團演出先後參與首爾、台北、澳門、深圳灣藝穗節,2009年更到韓國參加春川國際默劇節。在形體方面,先後在韓國導演尹鍾連和金大建的課堂及導演下,完成《一試無妨》2009 和《傻姑娘與怪老樹》2012 (郭寶崑節2012演出劇目) 演出。曾於舞踏大師桂勘(日本)和吉岡由美子(日本) 課堂學習舞踏。2013和2014年參與香港管弦樂團的《家+賞.巴羅克》、《Jazz For kid》和《Chaplin For kids》作小丑默劇演出,和大人和小朋友作互動。黃氏2016年獲得「創意實驗室 -- 創意書院藝術場地資助計劃」導演小丑劇演出《小丑原住民》。 2019年黃氏獲得Business for Art Foundation 資助導演面具實驗劇 《孤兒日記》。獨腳戲導演作品 : 流芳 (2019臺北藝穗節 ),讓我接近地平線 ( Nepal International Solo Theatre Festival 2018成員
